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Margaret Fuller 360x1000
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George M Cohan and Lerarned Hand 360x1000
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Office of Chief Counsel 360x1000
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Spottswood William Robinson 360x1000
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Do Hovindicators Now Own The Internet?

The most exciting development in Hovindland this week has to be Rudy Davis’ announcement (around 12:00) that the people who want to free Kent, the Hovindicators as I call them, have conquered the Internet

Rudy reminds me a great deal of Fred Ward’s portrayal of Gus Grissom in the Right Stuff, so I was a little disappointed by the white shirt and cowboy hat. I hope he returns to the brown leather jacket.  It is much more fitting.  I have to give Rudy a lot of credit for chutzpah.  While it is true that Hovindhate is pretty thin on the internet, none of Rudy’s innumerable videos in the last week have broken out of the low three figures yet.

Tony Reed’s skeptical treatment of the Hovindicators stands at 4,133 views as I write this.

Clearly, though the Hovindicators are spreading with Coach Dave Daubenmire now in contention with Wiley Drake to be the most prominent Hovindicator.

More Support For Kent Hovind

As it turns out, it is up to this tiny outpost of Hovindology to announce the latest breakthrough for the Hovindicators.  The Creation Science Hall of Fame has come out with a statement supporting Kent Hovind.

Kent Hovind is in prison out of principle and not deceit. He has served more time than most with the same offense. Enough is enough. Its time to free Kent Hovind. To extend his sentence based on mail fraud and interference with the sale of his confiscated property is totally unjust. That is not how the American judicial system works. We are a republic that adheres to our Constitution.

The statement was by Nick Lally, Board Chair of CSHF, but for further comment Nick referred me to Terry Hurlbert, Secretary and Treasurer of CSHF.  Terry indicated that he is largely responsible for CSHF’s well put together website.  Terry is a 1980 Yale graduate with a degree in biomedical engineering.  He ran medical labs into the nineties.  Presently, he helps run a website called Conservative News and Views,

It’s About The Taxes Not The Dinosaurs

Terry believes that the ferocious attack by the government on Kent Hovind is related to Kent’s alternative views on taxation and the possibility that he is a deep pocket (I find the latter rather unlikely, for whatever that is worth).

Given the mission of CSHF

Honoring those who honored God’s Word as literally written in Genesis

Terry can give me a pretty good survey of the creation community. There are many organizations and many people active in them.  CSHF applied for and received 501(c)(3) status and like Eric Hovind’s ministry is conventionally tax compliant.  Terry knows of no other creation organization that has been the subject of IRS attention.

Our discussion more or less confirms my view that the government’s attention to Kent Hovind is about the taxes not the dinosaurs.  Even though CSHF has recognized Kent Hovind as having made a great contribution, he does not believe the Kent’s suppression would cripple the movement.

Something Happened

One of the mysteries of creation science is how it could be that if as Kent Hovind and Eric Hovind and others claim evolution and an old earth have been thoroughly debunked, how do they continue to have such a strong grip on conventional science?  Ernie Land explained to me that it is because evolution serves the purposes of the New World Order and is thus supported by far reaching conspiracies such as that of the Illuminate.

Terry does not believe that you need massive conspiracies to account for the persistence of old earth and evolution among conventional scientists.  He notes that there is a distinction between operational science, where you can do repeated experiments and origins science, which is something of a detective work exercise.  We can’t do repeat experiments on the earth’s origin.

He discussed the three ideas that conventional science embraces that support old earth and evolution uniformitarianism, abogenesis and common descent.

Of the the three uniformtarianism is the one that I find most fascinating:

Uniformitarianism is the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe. It has included the gradualistic concept that “the present is the key to the past” and is functioning at the same rates.

Terry believes that roughly 5,300 years ago something dramatic happened that changed the world.  Among other things the amount of carbon 14 in the atmosphere changed and radioactive material was redistributed.  That throws off all the dating of things that is evidence of old earth.

The other relaxation of uniformtarianism has to do with a change in the nature of time locally on earth which allows for the earth to be 6,000 years old, while an observer on the edge of the galaxy would perceive 13.7 billion years.  Frankly, I didn’t get that one.

So there you have the other possible explanation for the persistence of evolution besides conspiracies.

Creationists Not The Only Ones Who Think Something Happened

The something that happened 5,300 years ago in Terry’s belief system was of course the Flood which reduced the human population to eight.  I find it rather fascinating that contemporary self designated radical feminists put the beginning of patriarchy, the systematic exploitation of women by men,  at about 5,000 years ago. In Genesis, that human population consisted of four people who are named.  Noah and his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.  The other four people?  Their wives.  Talk about the foundation of patriarchy

.Deep Green Resistance argues that civilization was a wrong turn that humanity took around that time.  DGR has a heavy radical feminist influence and advocates humans living in a more balanced relationship with nature.  They might take note of the promise that God makes to Noah

1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

I don’t know what to make of it, but this correspondence in origin stories of groups with radically different perspectives makes me think that there is something really worth looking at there.