Office of Chief Counsel 360x1000
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Spottswood William Robinson 360x1000
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Margaret Fuller 360x1000
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Maurice B Foley 360x1000
Betty Friedan 360x1000
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George F Wil...360x1000

I met Bob Baty thanks to my coverage of the fight over the dubious constitutionality of Code Section 107 the parsonage exclusion.  He became my most constant commenter and I dubbed him “bane of the basketball minister”. 

Then in 2012, there was the Tax Court decision in the case of Jo Hovind.  This was my entry into the world of Hovindology, the study of the trials and tribulations of independent Baptist minister and young earth creationist Kent Hovind, who spent nearly a decade behind bars on tax related charges and was tried on new charges in 2015.  Bob has devoted much effort to exposing what he calls Hovind’s false legal narrative.

Bob Baty is a retired IRS agent who spends a lot of time tending to a few internet sites. Hovindicators – the supporters of Kent Hovind’s narrative – tend to believe he is a paid government agent.  I don’t think so.

At any rate, Bob has been intensely following another controversy that has connections, however tenuous to Hovindology.  Bob has been after me to cover the Baby Holm controversy, but I have resisted not wanting to dedicate the lifespan necessary to form an opinion.  As an alternative I have invited him to do a guest post on the subject.

This venue will be open to those with other opinions subject to fairly minimal standards of decorous communications.  


Making Noise & Shining Light in Cleburne County, AL
The Baby Holm Story (developing)
By Robert Baty
April 8, 2017
C. Clarke Holm (age 37) and Danielle Holm (age 32) were on foot. Danielle was 8-9 months pregnant. They were camping in a tent they carried with them to Cheaha State Park, AL.  They were planning, reportedly, on having the child born in the tent and then moving on to parts unknown.
The reality that developed was that they simply couldn’t pull that off, and maybe they never intended that result.
An emergency was declared and numerous responders were called to the campsite.  The couple was transported from Cheaha State Park, AL to the Regional Medical Center and “Baby Holm” made his appearance.
It would ultimately be determined by State authorities that the parents could not demonstrate that they had the appropriate means for proving  proper and reasonable care of the child and on the second day in the hospital the State took custody of the child.
And so the stage was set for what might have been the parents plans all along.It seems there is a nationwide movement, well organized and financed, that specializes in promoting an anti-government, anti-child welfare agenda; characterizing State custody claims as kidnappings and accusing child welfare agencies of baby selling and child trafficking, among other things.

It was October 10, 2016 when the baby was born, October 11, 2016 when the State of Alabama took custody.  A required 72 hour hearing was held about 2 days later and the judge determined that the State should retain custody pending a resolution of the issues involving the parents ability to properly provide for the child.

The parents, as if it had been planned before they arrived at Cheaha State Park, were quickly able to marshal anti-government, anti-child welfare forces and begin a publicity campaign accusing the State of kidnapping,  child trafficking, and other such things, and the responders of rape/sexual assault.Darkness had fallen over Cleburne County, AL as the parents were able to promote their side of the story and control the narrative.   Due to the privacy which surrounds such cases and limits the State’s ability to respond, the Cleburne County, Al child welfare agency (DHR), was taking it hard as the attacks upon it and the handling of the case were unrelenting; coming from the parents and those called in to help with promoting an anti-government, anti-child welfare agenda.

The parents use their personal FaceBook page and a FaceBook group to promote their narrative.  Those pages can be found at:
and great noise, however, was heard in Cleburne County, AL around the middle of December 2016, and the light began to shine upon what has now become known as the False Holm Narrative.

In an obscure YouTube broadcast by Rudy Davis (aka LoneStar1776) on December 13, 2016, Ernie Land, announced that Brady Byrum, a known “sovereign citizen”/”patriot” promoter and leader of Kent Hovind’s legal team (though he is not a lawyer or paralegal of any sort), had been secretly working with the Baby Holm parents for weeks, under cover, secretly, in their effort in fighting Cleburne County, AL DHR.
See: it is not until after the twenty six minute mark that Baby Holm comes up. I love to listen to Ernie Land and Rudy Davis, but it is an acquired taste not shared by everyone.  PJR)

In subsequent broadcasts, Rudy Davis announced Brady Byrum’s continuing involvement with Kent Hovind’s implicit endorsement.  Brady Byrum had earlier completed work on a scheme to promote what has become known as Kent Hovind’s “False Legal Narrative” and anti-government promotions which can be found at the following website:
Part of the secrecy that surrounded the Baby Holm case before the middle of December involves a 25-page letter that the parents had repeatedly sent to various DHR and State officials as well as elected State representatives, including Jeff Sessions, who has since become the new United States Attorney General.
The parents refused to publish that letter or otherwise discuss its contents.  It has only recently been revealed, and reveals clearly the anti-government, anti-DHR influence in the course the parents have taken; a course which can reasonably be said to have guaranteed that a resolution of the custody issue would not be any time soon.  In fact, in one report sympathetic to the parents, it was reported that the letter was the cause of DHR determining to suspend the parents visitations with the child for several weeks.
The 25-page letter may be accessed now through a link found in the article about it at:
In further consequence of Ernie Land’s announcement, a FaceBook group was established to allow for the “rest of the story”, the real story, to be told regarding the Baby Holm case.  That group has been, since its founding, effectively used by Cleburne County, AL residents and others interested in the case and interested in the truth to follow the case, present facts, provide rebuttal to the False Holm Narrative, and provide opinions, informed opinions.
The light has come to Cleburne County, AL.
The noise is being made.
It’s coming from the “Understanding The Baby Holm Case” FaceBook group found at:
The local, state, and national media would do well to give serious, investigative attention to the Baby Holm case as it bears on a continuing problem with anti-government, anti-child welfare promoters (i.e., “sovereign citizen” and “patriot” groups and individuals and those falsely representing such cases for purposes of seeking a change to child welfare operations of government).
Robert Baty is either a retired IRS agent with a number of obsessions that he follows closely and documents or an agent of the New World Order depending on who you ask.
Peter J Reilly likes the idea of people providing him with content hoping to become the Tom Sawyer of blogging.