Tad Friend 360x1000
Stormy Daniels 360x1000
Margaret Fuller 2 360x1000
Thomas Piketty2 360x1000
Gilgamesh 360x1000
Mary Ann Evans 360x1000
Office of Chief Counsel 360x1000
Samuel Johnson 360x1000
Margaret Fuller2 360x1000
James Gould Cozzens 360x1000
Margaret Fuller5 360x1000
Maria Popova 360x1000
Margaret Fuller1 360x1000
Margaret Fuller3 360x1000
George M Cohan and Lerarned Hand 360x1000
Spottswood William Robinson 360x1000
Betty Friedan 360x1000
Brendan Beehan 360x1000
Thomas Piketty3 360x1000
Ruth Bader Ginsburg 360x1000
Mark V Holmes 360x1000
Lafayette and Jefferson 360x1000
Susie King Taylor 360x1000
Learned Hand 360x1000
Richard Posner 360x1000
Margaret Fuller 360x1000
Edmund Burke 360x1000
Thomas Piketty1 360x1000
Anthony McCann1 360x1000
Susie King Taylor2 360x1000
Maurice B Foley 360x1000
Adam Gopnik 360x1000
Margaret Fuller4 360x1000
George F Wil...360x1000
Anthony McCann2 360x1000

There is no wholly masculine man, no purely feminine woman. – Margaret Fuller


Top rated guide so far

What I believe about sex and gender (and what I don’t) by Kathleen Stock


My coverage of the Pussy Church for Modern Witchcraft provoked some strong reactions.  Not surprisingly, they mostly had nothing to do with why I was discussing the organization on a tax blog.  They were mainly about my brief introductory explanation of the context of the ongoing conflict that it appears Pussy Church is addressing.

One comment that intrigued and that I am addressing here in a way is this one.

So I hesitate to mention this, since it might make me looking even lamer but I have been reading radical feminist literature for over six years.  Included in the piece was a link to the most recent book I had read (Mostly.  It was a collection and some of the pieces I did not get well enough to finish. Others were great.).

And as it happens, accepting even the radfem definition of woman, I had asked a woman.  She just preferred not to be identified.  And for the purposes of that particular piece I was only interested in what someone involved in Pussy Church had to say about what Pussy Church was about, not what other gender critical feminists might infer what it was about.

Regardless kthln m°y inspired the project that this post on a blog with a smaller readership and looser editorial guidelines is a report on it.  I put out in a couple of ways the following question:

If someone just discovered the dispute between gender critical radical feminists and advocates for the trans community.  What is the very first thing he or she should read to begin getting educated? Asking for a friend.

Here are the results SO FAR in the order that I have received them. I will indicate whether I have read them in full or not (listened to a recording counts) and rate them on how well I think somebody new to the issue would understand them and general relevance.  Rating is 1 to 10.  10 being – I think somebody with no background in the matter would understand this piece and it is relevant.  5 being – relevant understandable material but probably not where to start.  1 – What were you thinking when you suggested this as relevant entry level material?

The rating has nothing to do with whether I agree with the piece or not.  Also I might rate a piece I think is quite good lower because I think someone fresh might have a problem understanding it. For example if “cis” is included without being defined or Sheila Jeffreys is mentioned in a way that implies she is a household name, points are lost.  Also pieces that only explain a particular aspect of the controversy without giving the overall context lose points. I have rated a couple of things I did not finish, but I dug far enough to get a good sense of their content.

One of the advantages of this venue is that comments are allowed.  I apologize in advance to anyone who sent me something that I failed to include here and will fix it asap.

Leaving Liberal Feminism by Kate Leigh – Read in full – 8

Lezbehonest about Queer Politics Erasing Lesbian Women by Claire -Read in Full -5

What Does Transgender Mean? GLAAD  – Read in Full – 5

King James Version of The Bible Read in full (no kidding) – 1

How To Spot A Transphobe A.E. D’Orsay – Read in Full – 5

How The Social Justice of Equality, Discrimination, Diversity, Inclusion and Empowerment Are Being Used To Strip Women Of Rights And Freedom – Miranda Yardley Read in full – 5

Trans Women and Cis Women Are Different, and That’s OK – Jesse Earl – Read In Full – 8

The war on the left between trans people and ‘Terfs’ could be ended with a bit of empathy by Deborah Orr Read in full – 10

Raquel Willis: TERFs Don’t Deserve to Define Themselves as Feminists by Linda Young – Read In Full – 5

Stand Up For Female Rights And Say No To Changing The Gender Recognition Act Read in full – 4

Sex And Gender – A Beginners Guide Read in full – 4

Inauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science by Sue Donym -Did not complete due to time pressure – 7

Paper Genders – Walt Heyer -Did not read- Not rated

Gender and sex: anti-feminist, trans activist and feminist interpretations-by Magdalen Berns – video – watched full video – 6

Wake up, feminists! – on twitter – Scanned – 3

“TERF Wars: Narrative Productions of Gender and Essentialism in Radical-Feminist (Cyber) spaces” – Jennifer Earls -Did not finish – 4

TERF Is A Slur – Scanned – 4

Statistic Show the Difference in Rates of Violent Crimes Against Women Committed by ‘Transwomen’  Versus Non-Transgender Males – Read in full – 6

FeministRoar   –  Twitter account – scanned – 6

Pieces I Have Found On My Own (With some curation)

What I believe about sex and gender (and what I don’t) by Kathleen Stock – Read in full – 11

I’ve decided that regardless of how many pieces are on the list there will only be one that is an eleven.  In this piece Kathleen Stock identifies many of the elements in the debate rather thoughtfully.

Sheila Jeffreys – Wikipedia entry – 8

With some exceptions most pieces will at least implicitly include something like:

The science is settled.  Any far minded person who has the true facts and is not blinded by the propaganda put out by the ——————– will agree with us.

If the piece does not also implicitly include

The arguments put forth by —————– and their allies are so ridiculous and hateful that they don’t bear repeating

I still might give it a high score

The key factor though is the assumption that the reader is starting from zero. And of course a piece like that might be rated very low for other purposes.

Remember what I am looking for is something that allows someone to grasp that there is a controversy and how it can be framed. Earlier this year I attempted this sort of thing with a pretty arcane topic that has some general interest – The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act – Here it is.

An advantage of this site is that it allows comments.  I really don’t have any restrictions more of an aspirational standard which I explained when we had comments on forbes.com.  Some people can probably come up with something nasty enough to merit deletion.  We’ll see.

What I would most appreciate is additions to the list. As I noted above if something somebody sent me is left off, it was by accident and easy to fix.


Peter J Reilly writes on taxes for forbes.com.  Almost anything you can think of will have a tax angle eventually, so he sometimes find himself in unrelated arguments.

Some Items Not Fully Examined



Links not yet evaluated

https://sarahditum.com/    https://sarahditum.com/2018/09/10/six-years-in-the-gender-wars/

Viewpoint: Understanding Anti-transgender Feminism



Q and A’s on our approach to gender identity



Feature: What is the trans ‘spousal veto’ and why does it matter?

Voices from Hands Across the Aisle