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Margaret Fuller4 360x1000

Well now Kent Hovind has really aggravated me.  In this recent conversation with knome king (Bob Baty idenitfies KK as Mark Hill), in an extreme burst of TMI, he lets us know that his welcome home from prison did not include recommencement of conjugal relations with his wife Jo.  He indicates that Jo and his son Eric have conspired to take everything from him.  His Creation Science Evangelism had, he estimates, $2,000,000 worth of stuff that Eric as President of God Quest purchased for $6,300. (From what I have been able to gather that does not include the real estate). Quite a pile of CDs I guess.

That is not the worst part.  The worst part comes as knome indicates that he was calling out of concern and this whole affair is not something for him to be involved in.  Nay, Nay says Kent.  He wants his legions out there hollering for shame for shame at his wayward son and, for the present, wife.

First to bat was the indefatigable Rudy Davis, whose video was what caused knome to call Kent.

knome king himself then gave Eric and Jo some biblical scolding

And somebody has started a facebook site called Eric Hovind Exposed.

Hovindicators engaging in this sort of activity is not really that surprising, but we now have clear evidence that they are doing it with Kent’s encouragement.  I’m really disappointed in him.

Hovindicators can get pretty testy.  Check out Rudy beginning around 13:00 in this one.  I don’t think Rudy will start calling Jo “Jezebel”, but I think he might get pretty hard on Eric.

Was Kent Shooting Himself In The Foot?

The whole part of the thing where he talked about there being $2 million worth of stuff that he considers his seemed like a pretty dangerous admission.  Somebody told me that IRS CI guys do follow the youtube activity of persons of interest.  When I reached out to my legal brain trust though, one of them pointed out that the statute has probably run on that activity.

He (or she) did get back to me with this caution.

I don’t find it clear at all that he is not talking about a transaction that he feels defrauded CSE rather than about himself. But it does seem potentially to put “GodQuest”‘s property in jeopardy for CSE’s liabilities (and KH’s, too, if CSE was an alter ego) as a fraudulent transferee.  I don’t see anything that strongly suggests KH is presently engaging in or planning any wrongdoing himself.

CSE was considered to be Kent (and Jo’s) alter ego in their Tax Court litigation.  The Tax Court affirmed the IRS assessment of $3,3 million in individual income tax, penalties and interest for the years 1998 through 2006.  My educated guess would be that that amount was deemed currently not collectible while Kent was in prison, but it does seem impolitic to indicate that somebody was supposed to be stashing $2 million worth of stuff for him.  Note the civil liability for income tax is separate and apart from Kent’s criminal prosecution.

Really Big Pile Of CDs?

For whatever it is worth Hovindologist Dee Holmes is a little skeptical that CSE actually had that much stuff

What I think Kent had on hand in 2006 besides the DAL property was some poorly printed books, some poorly mastered videos/DVDs, some dinosaur toys and t-shirts and some computers/phone equipment. The books, videos/DVDs and soft goods are probably long gone. The computers and phone equipment would have long past depreciated in value and are probably long gone as well.  (It’s also worth noting that Kent did not copyright those video performances and they’ve been uploaded ad nauseam to YouTube over the last decade.)

I’d also point out that in the circles Kent walks in, husbands are supposed to support their wives and Kent was in prison for eight years and not supporting Jo. He left that up to Eric, who (IMHO) did the best he could with the resources left behind after Kent went to prison. Kent’s badmouthing of Jo and Eric on this phone call reflects very badly on Kent. He doesn’t reflect what it says in Ephesians 5, where husbands are supposed to love their wives like Christ loves the church.  Instead, Kent sounds bitter and annoyed that Jo and Eric aren’t following his bidding.  I think Jo and Eric are smarter than Kent!

If you are just joining the veritable scores of readers who follow this blog, I’ll give you a little background, which you regulars can skip.

Some Of This Foreseen

In at least one of his recorded prison conversations Kent had made clear that he expected Eric to give the keys back when he was released.

According to a goverenment motion in Kent’s trial last year.

On or about December 18, 2013, defendant Hovind made the following
statements to his son Eric Hovind,

Okay. Well maybe everything is fine. Uh. But just. And I think you know it and there is no sense debating it anymore. You know that I still think Dr. Dino, CSE, uh the assets that I left you with are
mine and are mine when I get home.
. . .
Right. Their CSE is controlled by me and I get to decide what to do with it. Now here’s one option.

Why Eric Cannot Just Hand Kent The Keys

Unlike Kent, Eric has run his ministry in a conventionally compliant manner.  God Quest Inc is recognized as an exempt organization and files Form 990.  There is a board with fiduciary obligation to the entity.  They could not just turn everything over to Kent, because it was “really his” all along. Thinking through all the implications of that gives me a headache,

Pass The Popcorn

When Jo Hovind filed for divorce, I thought that matter altogether unnewsworthy.  There could have been many possible explanations and I would just as soon not know.  Kent who loves conspiracy theories has now chosen to throw his family in with the conspirators (He did use the word conspire).  So there are the Jesuits, the Masons, the New World Order and on and on with GodQuest/Creation Today now joining the list.  It promises to be interesting.

Peter J Reilly CPA has a tax blog to run, but he finds the allure of Hovindology irresistible.