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Lafayette Superhero
Lafayette was not a rock star. He was a superhero. And like every superhero he has an origin story.

Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Belchertown MA June 14
It has been said, “When the legend becomes truth, print the legend.” And so we will.

Federal Tax Treatment Of State Paid Family Medical Leave Programs – Refund Opportunity
Back in 2022 when you filed that return everybody was confused about what the law meant. Nine governors asked the IRS for clarification a year ago and now those smart people at the Chief Counsel’s office have figured it out. Who are we to argue?

Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Burlington VT June 29
“To the Revolutionary Soldiers: – I am delighted, my dear comrades, whenever I find myself among my revolutionary brothers in arms; for we were all brothers fighting in the same cause of independence and freedom; we all enjoy together the happy results of our toils; yet it is to me a particular gratification to recognize among you many of the intimate companions who served with me in the army, and several of my beloved Light Infantry soldiers. If I have obtained, in our military events, some fortunate days, it is to your gallantry in action, your perseverance under every hardship, to your personal affection, that I am indebted for them. That name, so dear to my heart, of the soldier’s friend, which you gave me in my youth, I am happy again to find on your lips in old age. Receive, dear comrades, my most affectionate thanks, love and good wishes.”
Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Montpelier June 28-29
Accept, dear General, our united aspirations for your health and long life. With you, may the evening of life be peculiarly pleasant – like the setting sun after a glorious day, sinking gradually, and throwing back increasing beauty and splendor with every expiring beam. May kind hands and affectionate hearts soothe and administer to every want, and smooth the pillow of declining age; and when at length the “vital spark” shall quit its earthly tenement, may the angel of Death open to you the portals of eternal bliss in Heaven.
Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Randolph VT June 28
Morrill later remarked that if all the traditions could be believed, the general had dinner at four different taverns that day and spent the night at three different places and was “entertained” at several other road-houses” on the

Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Royalton VT June 28
“Of all the pictures that hang on memory’s walls none is more vivid to me today than the scene of Lafayette’s visit to my native village. I stood holding my mother’s hand, in the front door of my old homestead, and saw a carriage drawn by six white horses with a venerable gentleman bowing right and left to the crowd.”
Harriet Collamer Johnson

Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Barnard VT June 28
. It is reported that Lafayette complimented the gunners saying “That is a smart gun and well handled”

Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Woodstock VT June 28
Although one generation and almost a second have passed away, a few patriots of the revolution still survive. Some of these present have marched in defence of their country in obedience to your commands. These all yet live to tell us and their posterity what our liberties cost and how they were attained: nay more, they are living heralds of your disinterested and efficacious exertions to redeem us from colonial bondage and guarantee to us those free institutions which are at once the glory and happiness of our country, and are extending their benign influence through the world.

Lafayette In New England In 1825 – Windsor VT June 28
General, I have the honor to represent, on this interesting occasion, a people plain and hardy, but intelligent and virtuous: industrious cultivators of the earth, but enjoying on their lofty hills and in their lowly valleys, comfort and independence. Sincerely attached to the constitution and government of their country, they will never shrink from any sacrifices necessary to support and defend them