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Spottswood William Robinson 360x1000
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George M Cohan and Lerarned Hand 360x1000
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Margaret Fuller 2 360x1000
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George F Wil...360x1000
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When I was covering the Kent Hovind trial in 2015 his strongest public supporter was Rudy Davis.  Over the years I have communicated with Rudy a good bit, although we have not been in touch for a while.  During the period around the trial Rudy’s YouTube channel Lonestar1776 was pretty much all Kent Hovind all the time.  You Tube took down Rudy’s channel.  It also took down Kent Hovind’s. They are both on Rumble now.

Kent Hovind is now appealing to President Trump to take up his cause and view his prosecution as an instance of the weaponization of law enforcement to attack those with dissenting views.  I reached out to various people for their reaction to Kent’s latest move. Rudy gave me the longest answer. He also shared a reflection on how things have gone for him in his movement.  

I don’t agree with Rudy on most of the things that he says,  To tell you the truth I think some of them are bat shit crazy,  Nonetheless I admire him and believe in his sincerity and his true compassion for people who are imprisoned. Even if you don’t agree with me and are appalled by his combative style, I still think it is worth paying attention to what he shared.  I made one minor adjustment in not fully spelling out a particularly offensive word. (He was quoting somebody else).  So here is Rudy. – PJR

So, it’s January 22nd, 2025. It’s freezing outside in Texas and normal outside tasks (and there are many) to pass the day is just not feasible. The chickens were given some unfrozen water and some pellets were placed into their feeders so the basics of outside chores are now completed.  I aint no writer, but what the heck, I live in the 21st century and have access to a computer with an electronic notepad where I can express any thoughts I wish.  Given all that has happened in the past 48 hours with Trump, why not let my stream of consciousness flow out in this letter to capture my thoughts and state of mind on this very cold indoors type of day.  We don’t have that many freezes in Texas, so when it happens to us, we tend to act like a new ice age is upon us.

Over the past 15 years, I have seen innocent people be railroaded, abused, imprisoned, murdered and slandered in the media and marginalized by a corrupt justice system in America.  My wife and I have also witnessed families betray and/or alienate their own members when this persecution comes.  We have even experienced some family members lash out at us with statements like “If you spend more time helping my father get out of prison than you do winning souls for Christ, then you are not a good Christian.”

The American media for the most part has ignored “political prisoners” in America during the past 15 years. Even the Tucker Carlson January 6th documentary “Patriot Purge” puts forth the idea that political prisoners “BEGAN” in America on January 6th, 2021. With very few exceptions, the most media attention given to the unjustly incarcerated in America was by a Russian organization titled “Foundation to Battle Injustice” by Mira Terada.  Over the years, we also did several talk shows on various American alternative media on the unjustly incarcerated. Some notable examples are Joyce Riley (The Power Hour), John B. Wells (Caravan to Midnight), Sheila Zilinsky (Weekend Vigilante), Tom Lacovara-Stewart (Resurrect the Republic Network), and I am sure many others.  After each program was broadcast on the unjustly incarcerated prisoners, I was grateful that the prisoner’s story was finally getting out.  However, I also felt like this program on prisoners would just get lost in the news cycles and just be another story to be filed away in the podcast archives without changing the living conditions of the prisoners we discussed.

For those reading this in 2025 or afterwards, you really need some context on what the internet and YouTube was like in the year 2010.  In the year 2010, there was very little censorship of Americans and the most popular YouTube channels were putting out documentaries on 911 truth, Oklahoma City, Michelle Obama’s manhood, Chemtrails, Fluoride, Gun Control, Sandy Hook, Obama’s forged birth certificate,  Illuminati Freemasons, and other controversial topics. This was the golden age of free speech with people like Billy The EndTimeWatchman and many others providing their biblical views on the world we live in.  I have no idea what happened to Billy nowadays. For those of you not on YouTube back then, it will be hard for you to understand what those days were like.  We did not have “community notes”, “fact checkers”, “medical misinformation” and “hate speech” strikes prompting content creators to self-censor our own speech. We also did not have to deal with “Potemkin village” issues where over 50% of the comments on the internet are AI computer generated and not from real humans. Personally, I believe the legalization and suppression of human thought and expression is a crime against humanity. Censorship is accepted as the norm in today’s standards.  Most people are not sensitive to free-speech issues because most people talk about the weather and football.  So, when the masses hear that “hateful” and “radical” people are being censored, it raises no concern in their own lives and this allows the tyrants to move forward on their censorship agendas.

If my wife and I were to recount every prisoner, then this little letter would turn into a book instead of something I can finish in a morning and post on social media. We have communicated with over 300 prisoners.   Back in the day, my wife and I had a YouTube channel named LoneStar1776. This channel was permanently deleted after more than 10 years, 26K subscribers, 12.6K videos, and 10 million views. There were thousands of videos that we worked hard to upload with conversations of prisoners on the phone, reading letters from prisoners and discussing how biased and politically weaponized the FBI, IRS, DOJ and BOP were during that time.  I know many other more popular and good channels were deleted as well. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is now dead of cancer but under her leadership she used a copyright strike from a former friend of mine named Darrell McClanahan.  Darrell was having trouble with the local authorities and he asked me to upload some of his videos which I graciously did because at the time, I considered him a friend.   When Darrell decided to have his photo taken doing the Nazi salute at a KKK meeting with a burning cross in the background, I decided to break fellowship with the man.  In one of our last conversations, he complained about my “n***** church” and that was enough for me to completely avoid the man. Well, he then retaliated by issuing copyright strikes on those videos he had previously asked me to upload for him and under the leadership of Susan Wojcicki, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. My YouTube channel was permanently deleted and along with it a historical record of patriot political prisoners spanning over a decade. In addition to YouTube censorship, I have lost count on how many wardens of banned me from mailing letters to prisoners citing the following statement:

This message informs you that you have been blocked from communicating with the above-named federal prisoner because the Bureau has determined that such communication is detrimental to the security, good order, or discipline of the facility, or might facilitate criminal activity.  The prisoner with whom you were communicating is being informed of this block.

Back before 2017, I had a career working for Cisco Systems. I was there just a few weeks shy of 20 years. When I started making YouTube videos about the injustices of the FBI and Obama’s forged birth certificate, the trolls came out of the woodwork to gather any information on me they could use to try to destroy my credibility and my career.  They even called my HR department at Cisco to report that I was not an American citizen in retaliation for my statements on Obama’s forged birth certificate.  After 19+ years at the company, the Cisco HR department contacted me and demanded that I produce a valid birth certificate or I would lose my job.  I jokingly told them I would piece one together using photoshop like Obama did but they didn’t see the humor in that.

Not long after, I got a new supervisor at Cisco. Her name was Kerri Lampard from Singapore. She loved Hillary Clinton and hated guns. I sent her a documentary titled “Innocents Betrayed” which demonstrates what happens to every country that gives up their guns. I don’t think she appreciated my position on gun ownership.  Suffice it to say that the trolls were successful in working with Kerri to include me in the next “reduction in force” at Cisco even though I had never had a bad performance review at the company and poured my life into that company for two decades.

Also, during this time, I was sent a letter by the IRS stating that I owed them over $22k in taxes. This was back when Lois Lerner took the 5th and refused to answer questions before congress regarding IRS persecution of Christian groups.  My response to the $22k tax letter was to make a YouTube video stating they will have to kill me to collect that money as I know I have not cheated on my taxes and the letter is a lie.  I thank Jesus Christ that the IRS issue was dismissed and I finally heard from the IRS that they made a “mistake”.

After my wife and I started advocating for IRS protestor Ed Brown, a US Marshal and FBI special agent came to our front door.  We filmed the whole thing.  I was too stupid to be intimidated if that was their intention.  Oh yeah, and there was the time the secret service came to our front door in long black cars with tinted windows and stood on my front porch.  They wanted to talk about the time I stated something like “Obama should be executed for putting out a forged birth certificate once he is convicted in a court of law.”  We filmed the interaction with the secret service as well.

Back when the birther issue was at its height in popularity, we held a birther conference at Pastor Stephen Broden’s Fair Park Bible Fellowship church in Dallas. I tried to get Robert Jeffress to host the meeting but I was told “Pastor Jeffress does not get involved in politics.”  I thought that was odd since Pastor Jeffress, only a few weeks later, endorsed Mormon Mitt Romney for president.  Anyways, my wife and I paid for some of the plane tickets for Pastor James David Manning (lead birther), Pastor Wiley Drake (first birth certificate lawsuit) Lawyer Orly Taitz (birther Queen), and Pastor Carl Gallups (Freedom Fridays).  Other speakers showed up as well including Miki Booth (birther Princess) and Alfred Adask (AntiShyster Magazine). Pastor Broden hosted the event. We also discussed the case of Army veteran Lt. Col. Terry Lakin who was court martialed for demanding Obama produce a birth certificate. For the only time that I know of in America, we had hundreds of people gathered together under one roof to speak about and promote that Obama was not eligible to be president and commander in chief of the United States of America.

I should also say that I met my wife, Erin, in the jury box of a constitutional trial held by Pastor James David Manning in Harlem, New York. We convicted Obama of wire fraud, sedition and not being a natural born citizen.  Pastor Manning and myself don’t communicate any more as there have been accusations and audio evidence that he was sexually grooming a girl in his church (He is a married man). Prior to becoming aware of this, I was impressed with Manning’s courage to speak the truth about Obama’s ineligibility.   Manning claims the audio tapes with the girl were doctored. We will see when Jesus reveals everything as stated in Numbers 32:23 and Luke 12:2-3 KJV.  During one of Manning’s sermons, Manning claims that he was approached by members of the military who offered to enforce the trial guilty verdict.  I can tell you that all 12 jurors took their job very seriously and we wanted Manning to say “Yes, please enforce the guilty verdict.”  However, Manning said during this sermon that he was concerned for the safety of the juror members and he did not ask the military to enforce the guilty verdict of his own trial that he prosecuted.  I was disappointed to hear that.

So enough of a history lesson. I felt it necessary to give context of what I am about to say about Donald Trump.  In the spirit of transparency, I have not one single time ever said anything positive about Donald Trump.  If I am biased against the man, I am not trying to hide it.  During the birther issue, I made a video titled something like “Donald, be the Hero we need you to be!”   YouTube has long since deleted all my videos.  There was a time when the birther issue became so popular that it had to be dealt with.  It actually made the very top story on Drudge Report for a few hours.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo’s cold case posse put out a documentary proving that Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery that no reasonable person could deny.  Then just a few hours later, seal team 6 supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden and the birth certificate issue took its place on the back burner never to be dealt with again.

There was a time that the birther issue had become very popular and could not be ignored. This is when Donald Trump took over leadership of the birther movement.  For those of us who were birthers we were hoping for the best from Donald.  Shortly after Donald got onboard with the birthers, Obama produced a forged long form birth certificate and Donald Trump accepted it as the real thing.  That was effectively the end of the birther movement.  My birther friends told me something like “once Donald Trump gets in office as President, Trump will hold Obama accountable for the forged document.”.   Of course, that never happened and I consider Trump personally responsible for helping Obama get away with high crimes and treason against the United States.  And now we have several candidates who are not natural born citizens which seems acceptable now to the American public, including Kamala Harris.

So let me give you my impression of Trump’s first term in office.

–         Abortion did not stop and more money went into planned parenthood than under Obama

–         Trump held up the LBGTQ flag onstage

–         Obama’s birth certificate was never exposed

–         Censorship under Trump only worsened

–         Red flag laws continued under Trump

–         Corruption with the FBI, DOJ and Bop continued

–         First Step Act was a joke and Trump pardoned less prisoners than his predecessors on his way out

–         The covid lockdowns, church closings, essential workers, masks, social distancing, nursing home isolations, pressure to get vaccinated all occurred under his watch with Operation Warp Speed.

–         On March 10th, 2021, Trump issued an official statement from the White House in which he stated the following:

“I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’ for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all,” read a statement from the former president Donald Trump on March 10, 2021.”

So now as I sit in my home on this freezing morning of January 22nd, 2025 I am supposed to have renewed hope in Donald Trump that we are on the verge of a golden era for America. Trump believes that the biggest injustice in American history has happened to HIMSELF without acknowledging the tens of thousands of persecuted people and prisoners that have been targeted before he even thought about running for political office.  People just do not think about these issues until their own ox is gored.  And even if their own ox is gored, they don’t have the overall perception to recognize that other people’s Ox is being gored as well.

Yes, I am elated the January 6ers are going home.  What about Jeremy Brown?  Yes, I know the videos of them walking out of prison are incredibly impactful and emotional to see justice finally arriving for this segment of the population.  My opinion is that Donald Trump encouraged all those people to do what they did on January 6th and the plan was to send them to prison from the beginning.  Have you ever heard of a “pressure release valve”?  This is a common tactic of tyrants in giving the public a little something to pacify them meanwhile on a much grander scale pushing a more tyrannical NWO agenda.

The bible in Revelations talks about a New World Order.  This is composed of three pieces.  A one world financial system (Rev. 13:17),  one world government (Rev. 13:7) and a one world religion (Rev. 13:8).   I believe Donald Trump is a negotiator at heart and is a tool of the devil.  His tactics are to give us a little bit to make us think he really cares about us.   All the while, he is working with shadowy figures to bring about the New World Order that is spoken about in the bible.

–         I’ll set some J6ers free, but ignore all previous political prisoners before then

–         I’ll annex Greenland, Canada and Mexico with my new political capital and popularity to push the NWO goal of consolidating nations

–         I’ll move us to a cashless bitcoin society where the Chinese social credit system can be implemented and if you dissent from the establishment, we will turn off your finances

I know many of those in my social circles have high hopes for the Trump administration and believe America is going to get much better under his second term.  You will have to forgive me if I don’t share in your enthusiasm. I think Trump has performed a “pressure release valve” and he is working on a much grander scale to usher in the AntiChrist and the NWO agenda.  We will see. I hope you can go to www.IhateTheFBI.com and read about political prisoners like Jeffrey Weinhaus, Ed Brown, Scott Faul, Gary Northington, Yorie Von Kahl, Anthony Troy Williams, Kurt Johnson and Amy Gonzalez and many others.

To be entirely direct with you, when David Hinkson and Russell Landers died in prison, much of the wind was taken out of my sails in regards to political activism.  When it warms up, I don’t plan to keep pouring myself into convincing my friends what to believe or not to believe. I like warm days in Texas where I can be outside and work on outdoor projects.  Maybe God made it cold today so that I would be forced to sit here and write down this testimony.   Revelation 6:10KJV

Here is Rudy’s response to my request for a comment on Kent Hovind’s – PJR


Hi Peter,
Thank you for Kent’s link.  I have not kept up with Kent Hovind since he got out of prison so that video brought back a lot of memories.  I think Kent Hovind did a good job describing his story of being targeted by a corrupt justice and IRS system.  Unfortunately, Kent’s case is not unique and many Christian conservative people have been the target of a weaponized justice system for decades.  You can read about so-called “tax protestors” Ed Brown (now sick and bedridden, 18 yrs in prison), (Elaine, Danny and Jason) Yorie Von Kahl (diagnosed with terminal cancer, 42 yrs in prison), Scott Faul (42 yrs in prison) and Eddie Ray Kahn (19 yrs in prison) on my website http://www.IHateTheFBI.com just to name a few.    The world has also lost incredible souls that were political targets and had much to contribute to our society in the lives of David Roland Hinkson and Russell Dean Landers (Rex) who both died in prison.
I firmly believe there will come a time when DIVINE justice will roll down like a mighty stream (Amos 5:24) and all the evildoers will be held accountable for every evil deed.  My soul resonates with Revelation 6:10 KJV. At the top of http://www.IHateTheFBI.com , you can click on #RudysTestimony to get a synopsis of what it has been like over the past 15 years from my perspective. Unfortunately too many people think that weaponization of the legal system is a recent phenomena but it has been going on for decades. #RudysTestimony will explain why I probably hold a different opinion of Donald Trump than Mr. Hovind or other Christian conservatives but it does not surprise me to see Mr. Hovind and others make a public appeal to the new president.
No King but King Jesus,
Rudy Davis