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Hovindology is adding to my guest posting brain trust.  Some of the best critiques of “creation science” that I have read have been by Nathan Zamprogno, who has been a Hovidologist much longer than I.  In this post he discusses the best way to deal with outrageous belief systems. I don’t agree with Nathan on every point and have a tendency to adopt a more conciliatory tone in dealing with Hovindicators, but he makes some good points.
Commentary from Nathan Zamprogno:‘I am patient with stupidity,’ Edith Sitwell used to say, ‘just not with those who are proud of it.’

More than occasional readers will know that I have often reflected on the significance of the conjunction between Sovereign Citizen belief, and other irrational beliefs like young-earth creationism, vaccine-skepticism, and various creepy ’truthisms’ like 9/11 false flag, birthers, or even the reptilian-UFO NWO conspiracy.

In my last commentary, I identified the common thread; faulty critical thinking skills. Sometimes this arises due to religious brainwashing. Sometimes it’s just ignorance and stupidity. But it certainly explains why these beliefs seem to occur in clusters.

I am on the national committee of an anti-Cult organisation, CIFS, here in Australia. I can tell you that the parallels between so-called Sovereign Citizens, or tax protesters, or Creationists, or conspiracy theorists, and the suppressed critical thinking faculties among cult victims is uncanny. I’m thinking of the unshakable certainties. The aggressive bluster. The conflation of *prosecution* with *persecution*. The parroting of parodied versions of the same values that exposed them as deluded, such as ‘open mindedness’ or ‘skepticism’. And most tellingly, the complete absence of a sense of irony — a complete ignorance of their own ludicrousness.

The horrified fascination we hold for Kent Hovind, who never, ever met a nutty theory he didn’t like, has now extended to a horrified fascination with the retinue of restive whiners who have come out of obscurity to bask unwittingly in our fremdschämen.

So here’s the problem: These people are not going to change their minds. If we gave them the benefit of a doubt before, I think we can conclude that we’re beyond that now.As Sam Harris says, ‘How can you argue with someone who does not value evidence or logic?’ (http://thedailyquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/famous-sam-harris-quote-saying-pic.jpg)

What are we to do?

There is an answer, and it’s surprisingly effective, and it’s working even now.

The answer is shame, ridicule and scorn.

This was brought home powerfully to me when I read an excellent piece titled “The Anti-Vaccine Movement Should Be Ridiculed, Because Shame Works” , by Matt Novak which reminded us of the battle we’re slowly winning over the anti-vax cranks.

Here in Australia, egregious vaccine crank Sherri Tenpenny was recently booked to a major national tour of four cities  . Ordinary people spoke up and expressed their entirely righteous anger. All eleven venues Tenpenny was booked for, cancelled. Tenpenny was tarred and feathered, and Australia will remain free from her particular brand of ignorance. A textbook takedown! Huzzah!

And it seems that you, my American friends, do know how to do the same to the cranks in your ranks.

Witness the comprehensive (and now thoroughly viral) takedown Dan Bidondi got at the hands of Boston hero Roger Nicolson when Bidondi pretended to be a journalist and crashed a press conference with specious questions about the bombing being a false flag operation. “You Asshat”… <snicker>.

Witness the hapless ‘Ayatollah of Appalachia’, Ken Ham, fulminating futilely as his tax concessions are stripped away because canny Kentuckians spoke up about his discriminatory employment practices, meaning public funds will no longer be wasted on his Biblical boondoggle of an Ark. Strike one up for common sense!

And now, witness the tide of indifference sensible people are responding with as Rudy Davis and co. are ratcheting up the hysteria about Kent Hovind’s ongoing criminal behavior. No one of any import cares, because Hovind’s supporters are making the prosecution case with surprising eloquence by threatening public officials and posting endless prison phone-chats that are deeply incriminating to Hovind.

Kent Hovind and his co-accused Hansen will probably get another year or two in prison. More may be too much to hope for, even though they both richly deserve to languish there until they realise that ‘penitentiaries’ are there to induce ‘penitence’.

On current form, that could be *forever*.

Rudy Davis may lose his job, if he hasn’t already, as his life becomes consumed by what we may term a literal Hovind-mania. We’ll continue to watch with interest to see if it’s the tax court, the secret service, or the state troopers guarding Florida courthouses who catch up with him first for his various threats against the IRS, President Obama, or Judge Rodgers respectively. I have a bad feeling about Davis.

Dan Bidondi will continue to be punched in the nose for grossly insulting human decency everywhere he goes. Eventually, his Mom may arrive on air to grab his ear, ground him and take away his microphone, and that can’t happen soon enough.

Ernie Land’s clients will finally realise that every single theory he espouses lands them in prison, while Land himself never, ever seems to have the courage of his own convictions —and him slinking back into the shadows to take in a new rube down the track will finally end. Destination: Prison. Just you wait.

Eric Hovind will eventually prove that the apple rarely falls far from the tree, and my suspicion is that the CSE assets sold and snapped straight back up by the lesser-Hovind’s “God Quest” scam may yet be forfeit as Kent and Jo’s personal tax debts come home to roost. Eric has understandably kept well clear of his father’s case, but we all know that his new scam is just the old scam with a new coat of paint.

So go read the excellent Gizmodo piece by Matt Novak linked above. Liken its lessons to the parade of crazy that Hovind’s followers are spouting, and be of good cheer. Make no mistake: Most of America, and certainly the rest of the world, are all pointing and laughing both at Kent Hovind, and his clown-car of followers. Laughing all the time.

And eventually, they will all be shamed into a blessed silence.

Nathan Zamprogno from Australia has held a long-time interest in fringe belief, blogging about Kent Hovind since 2007. After losing his wife in 2009 to a cult group, he has taken on an advocacy role with Australia’s leading anti-cult watchdog, CIFS He has worked for conservative parliamentarians at state and federal level and has worked in Christian schooling since 1998. He holds a Bachelor Degree in History and Philosophy and a Masters Degree in Education.


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