A Long Story

The fight over the parsonage exclusion is now the longest story arc that I have followed as a tax writer.  I picked it up in 2010 when FFRF was pursuing it on a different tack in California.  The 107 controversy appears prominently in two books about religion and tax law that I have reviewed one by Edward Zelinsky and the other by Samuel Brunson.

I thought the fight over the Defense of Marriage Act was pretty long, but looking back I see that it was over in three years with the Windsor decision.  I will actually have another post soon on the interminable IRS Scandal, which I thought was over in 2017, but Day 1 of the Scandal was not until 2013. Even Kent Hovind does not compete with the almost nine years I have covered FFRF and 107.  It just seems longer.

Religion As A Favor Seeking Industry

The most distressing thing about this story is how badly the religious establishment has acquitted itself in the struggle.  FFRF might be a little harsh in its assessment, but it has merit.

It has been eye-opening to see the greed — how aggressively U.S. churches have insisted on maintenance of this preferential treatment. It’s an indictment of the religious establishment that U.S. pastors feel no compunctions about not paying their fair share of taxes. Their charity begins at home.

 Overall the behavior is what you would expect of an $84 billion industry that has special tax status.  I was particularly disappointed in the Unitarian Universalist Association lining up with the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission when it came to defending tax breaks for ministers.
Two voices rang out from religious circles expressing concern over abuse of the housing allowance.
Reverend William Thornton, although thankful for the allowance and its effect on modestly compensated clergy, was a voice in the wilderness crying out against its abuse.

Someone make the case that Joe Sixpack has to pay taxes on his income and doesn’t get any exclusion for his singlewide complete with a deck and a mangy dog sleeping under it, while Kenneth and Gloria Copeland live in an 18,280 square-foot lakefront parsonage on 25 acres valued at $6.2 million and exclude hundreds of thousands of dollars from income taxes under the housing allowance, or while Phil Driscoll enjoys not owing federal income taxes on $408,638 provided to him by his ministry to buy a second home on a lake near Cleveland, Tenn.

FWIW Driscoll ended up not being allowed an exclusion for his second house.

Reverend Frank Benson Jones, author of Stop The Prosperity Preachers called for a limitation on the amount of the housing allowance.  He also supported FFRF’s effort to require churches to operate with the same transparency as other not-for-profits by requiring them to file Form 990.

All in though, the reaction of the religion industry is disappointing .

Other Coverage

Reverend Thornton, who now blogs on SBC Voices wrote Your housing allowance is safe for the forseeable future.  He remarks in the comments section

…and notice, if you read the FFRF stuff, that part of their decision not to appeal is based on the composition of the Supreme Court. Elections have consequences…

Adele Banks of Religion News Services has Atheist watchdog drops fight to halt clergy housing allowance.

Stan Friedman of COV wrote Organization Drops Challenge of Housing Allowance.

Hemant Mehta of Friendly Atheist in Atheist Group Will End Legal Fight Over Tax-Free Housing for Religious Leaders approves of FFRF’s tactics.

It pains me to say it, but it’s the right call. Unfortunately, because conservatives have politicized the highest courts and turned them into rubber stamps for the GOP, the biggest factor when filing major lawsuits has to be the political makeup of the courts, not the legitimacy of your arguments.

It’s too bad. This law benefits religious leaders (including wealthy ones) with a perk that leaders of atheist organizations aren’t allowed to get. The government is actively discriminating against atheist groups with this law even if lawmakers never intended for that to be the case.

It is a subtle point, but there is actually not discrimination of atheists as such. UUA ministers, some of whom are atheist, and Humanists do qualify for the exclusion.

I picked up the story from a Washington Examiner piece by Nicole Russell Two small victories for religious liberty that you didn’t hear about.

Even though religious liberty continues to spur fights nationwide, it’s good to see such militant combatants against religious freedom get the wind knocked out of them every now and them in the court system.

Robert Baty passed Russell’s piece to me.  Baty, a retired IRS appeals officer who has turned into an indefatigable keyboard warrior on a number of issues (when not busy watching his grandchildren) is actually the impetus behind this litigation. 

There is more, but the story seems mainly confined to the religion industry press.