If out of the loop spouses were more careful about signing joint returns, the Tax Court would lose a lot of its business.  Filing a joint return is an election.  You don’t have to do it.  And it has implications beyond the aggregate amount of tax, which admittedly is usually lower than it would be on separate returns.  The big difference is joint and several liability.  The IRS can go after either signer to satisfy a deficiency either from the tax not being sent in with the return or a subsequent audit.

Most tax professionals who prepare returns don’t consider the nuances of collection. If the tax is more than you can pay, it might not matter how much more.  What you end up ultimately paying, in that case, is your “reasonable collection potential”.  That will tend to be higher with a joint return.  In this article, I discussed what you should be thinking about if you are facing a balance due you cannot cover.

I think special care should be taken in the case of joint returns for the final year of the marriage.  And tax professionals need to be more sensitive to the fact that in the case of a joint return, they really have two clients.

Don’t Blow Off State Returns 

Most states tax their residents on worldwide income and non-residents on income earned in that state.  The states will usually provide a credit for taxes paid to other states.  If you blow off filing in another state, you won’t get the credit.  If the other state catches up with you, it might be too late to claim the credit in your home state.  If your tax preparer tells you that it is a really big deal to add the additional state, they either have lousy software or are lying.

See my fifth law.

Think About A Roth IRA For Your Underemployed Millenial

This is a recycling of my tip from last year.  It is still a good idea.  I have never been a big Roth enthusiast.  A Roth IRA contribution yields no tax deduction, but the income of the Roth accumulates and can be ultimately distributed tax-free.  An ideal candidate for a Roth contribution is someone with earned income, but no income tax liability.  Of course, that is likely a person without the means to make a contribution.  Well, what are parents or grandparents for?  So think about making a contribution for your twenty-something who is an underemployed Uber driver or whatever.

A followup suggestion that someone gave me on this was that prosperous younger people might want to apply this strategy to their improvident parents.  That’s a nice thought.

Look Before You Sign

One of the best reasons to go on extension, if you have gone this far, is that it will give you time to review your return carefully before signing it.  In this piece, I tell you about a few things that are sometimes missed.  In particular, if you have a very large AMT liability, there is a good chance that combing through returns for the last several years, might indicate that it is not as bad as you think.  That takes time and the rush, rush atmosphere of mid-April encourages the association of thinking fast with making mistakes.

The Headline

The “no fooling” in the headline is just to emphasize that the April 1 byline notwithstanding, I’m giving you serious advice here.